This enormous townhouse feels like a single-family home, boasting four levels of modern living with a contemporary lifestyle in mind. Recently built and lead-free this house is flooded with natural light, nestled in a prime JP neighborhood. The entry level features a garage and a generously sized foyer with a convenient half bath, versatile for a home office setup. Ascend to the next level, for a gourmet kitchen, expansive dining area, roomy living space, and additional bedroom suitable for use as a study or playroom, creating a spacious haven. Designed for various family setups, four additional bedrooms including master suites on both the second AND third levels. A well placed laundry area on the middle floor complete the interior. Outside, there is ample patio space for lounging and entertaining, lots of garden beds established with year round blooms conveniently watered with an in-ground irrigation system. Ease of living is paramount in this well appointed home and backyard oasis.
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