A CASTLE CURATED FOR A COLLECTOR - On The Park. Manicured Park-Frontage in-view from sprawling 3 Bedroom. ALL major rooms face the Park with a soft twinkling backdrop of the City. Serenity in one of the largest all-on-one-level properties in The new 'Destination area of Washington'. A stand-alone boutique experience with the highest efficiency in operation through off-site Super-Service professional management - all included in a very reasonable condo fee while building reserve. Totally renovated to the highest standards. The Savoy delivers 12 unique hand-crafted residential units, heated double-door garage, elevator. Spa-bathrooms and multiple dressing room/walk-in-closets. The primary chamber is a wing into-itself, built-in study-bay, dressing room, custom-built wall unit for entertainment, elements, art, all set in beautiful craftsmanship. Twenty (20) wrap-around windows offer endless extraordinary urban views to the Cathedral bell tower. Additional garages available to own.
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