

Tia Zaferakis, a native of Boston with deep roots in the area, has been a distinguished member of Jack Conway Realtors since 2003. Throughout her tenure, she has consistently ranked as the Companywide Top Selling and Listing agent for the South Boston office.

With a genuine dedication to prioritizing the needs of her clients, Tia takes pride in developing a deep relationship with her clients in order to define their needs, their likes, and their dislikes to match them to the right neighborhood that fits their lifestyle and budget.

Above all, Tia takes pride in her designation as a Realtor and is dedicated to providing her clients with unparalleled expertise across various property types, including condominiums, single-family homes, luxury properties, new construction, development properties, investments, lots/land, and corporate and international relocations.

When you choose Tia as your Realtor, you can expect unmatched local knowledge of trends of The City as well as clear and consistent communication throughout the buying/selling process. Let Tia be your local guide to Boston real estate for a seamless, stress-free transaction.

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